Published onJanuary 15, 2023SOLID - The First 5 Principles of Object Oriented DesignarticlearchitecturefullStacksolid-#readwithResumeThe AreaCalculator class should only be concerned with the sum of the areas of provided shapes.. It states that the high-level module must not depend on the low-level module, but they should depend on...
Published onJanuary 15, 2023Stronger JavaScript with Opaque TypesarticlefullStacktypescriptopaqueTypesarchitecturereadwithResume...
Published onJanuary 15, 2023The two kinds of Generics for Functions - Advanced TypeScript TutorialvideofullStacktypescriptgenericsfunctionsreadwithResume...
Published onJanuary 15, 2023TotalTypescript - Access deeper parts of objects and arraysvideofullStacktypescriptreadwithResume...