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What is the recommended way to load data for React 18


What is the recommended way to load data for React 18

What is the recommended way to load data for React 18?

Why is bad to make API calls inside useEffect

  • Race conditions if you don't use abort control
  • No instant back button, it needs to refetch every data again instead of loading the previous page instantly like a normal HTML page
  • No content in initial HTML, too much request data in the frontend (No exclusive to useEffect calls)
  • Slow navigations between screens because of the amount of requests

What are the good solutions

It's a old issue that all SPA libraries have when its only client-side. Next.js and Remix solve this really well, for client-side React Query, useSWR and others are solving this in a good way too. In Facebook they use Relay, but not always you will have a GraphQL API to implement it

Why do they make useEffect run twice in the development env

To catch those issues and because sometimes we can't use Relay to solve them in the client-side, so they applied this change so we can check them before they appear in production.


We don't have a definitive answer to those issues, you can use those solutions mentioned before for now.