Only one 'not' condition is allowed per container query and cannot be used with the and or or keywords.. It is possible to nest container queries which has the same effect.. The following container qu...
Large viewport height and width (lvh and lvw), which represent the largest size.. Note that the dynamic viewport units do not take the presence of the Virtual Keyboard into account....
timeline is used to create complex sequences of animations across multiple elements.. flubber library is responsible for mashing the d attribute of the SVG path tag, they will create the adjustments b...
CSS scroll snapping allows you to lock the viewport to certain elements or locations after a user has finished scrolling.. When the container element is scrolled, it will snap to the child elements yo...
WHAT The event handler is a closure that contains the behavior of the event handler.. APP_STATE the state of the application.. By downloading and executing the components currently in the HTML....
Listeners - locate event listeners and install them on the DOM nodes to make the application interactive.. The frameworks have to download all of the component code associated with the current page.. ...
You don't need to (and shouldn't) use both together, since they achieve the same goal in the end.. Instead, it makes sense to prefer useTransition(), if you have some state update that should be treat...